
围捕 星期二11/10月/2022 19:46 PM

马斯喀特:在他的阁楼工程师萨利姆·本·纳赛尔·艾菲(Salim bin Nasser Al Aufi)的赞bob体育打彩票助下其成立10周年。




阿曼数据公园的十年以许多成就为标志,这有助于推动阿曼苏丹国的数字化转型,因为它推出了第一个也是唯一的高性能计算(HPC)平台-Nebula HPC-bob体育打彩票增强了阿曼苏丹国在获得全球人工智能技术(AI)方面的能力。bob体育打彩票


As an added value for its ten-year march , Oman Data Park also played a pioneer role in launching the Oracle’s Hyper-Scale Cloud Infrastructure Data Center as the first oracle cloud region in the Sultanate of Oman .The cloud region (OCI) provides a broad range of Cloud Services for all entities in the public and private sectors , across the Sultanate of Oman, through ODP certified Tier III Data Center.

In an emphasizing of the company’s cumulative experience, ODP has cooperated professionally with the National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI) in completing the transferring and hosting of the database and statistical information in the Sultanate of Oman within the national project for straggling data with high efficiency, which would raise the efficiency and effectiveness of government work and ensure the smooth running of business as well.

By utilizing its own locally hosted Tier 3 certified data centers, ODP’s march was coroneted by various global and local awards including the Best Digital Data Centre award in the Middle East at the Telecom World Middle East Awards 2019, the Best Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) Award 2019, Vee AM VCSP Partner for 2020 and CISCO Partner of the year 2020, Fortinet Cloud MSSP 2021, Best Datacenter and Cyber Security Center awards at COMEX 2021.

阿曼数据公园(ODP)首席执行官Maqbool Al Wahaibi在这次发表评论时说:“庆bob体育打彩票祝我们的10周年,我们非常满意,这意味着,我们已经将我们惊人的专业精神扎根于我们正在渲染的任何类型的服务中我们的公共和私营部门客户的客户,而任何实体的几年周年纪念日应该将其视为为其服务的经验,声誉和专业能力的附加价值,以服务其客户“bob体育打彩票

Al Wahaibi added: The past ten years old of ODP witnessed subtle development for the company, where it achieved massive booms in all its services that provided to its entire customers, while ODP operates Oman’s only Virtual Data Center – Nebula and, is the first MSSP in man to offer Microsoft Azure Stack services. It is the only provider that has a specialized cyber security centre named Cyber Security Park, which is runs by highly qualified Omani staff offering security operations and services around the clock”


值得注意的是,苏丹国第一个托管的网络安全和云服务提供商ODP通过提供多合一的计算解决方案,云计算,数据存储,网络,网络,在支持阿曼的数字转换方面起着不可或缺的作用。bob体育打彩票,网络托管和网络安全服务。ODP还bob体育打彩票提供了苏丹国的第一个人工智能准备就绪的云基础架构 - 由Nvidia提供的Nebula AI。可以在www.omandatapark.com上找到其服务的更多详细信息。

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