Oman to celebrate Omani Women’s Day

Oman Saturday 15/October/2022 14:29 PM
Oman to celebrate Omani Women’s Day

Muscat:In recognition of the women’s key role in the renewed renaissance of the Sultanate of Oman led by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, Monday, 17th October will be celebrated as the Omani Women’s Day (OWD). The theme of the celebrations will be ‘Women are partners in development’ recognising their increasing role in the growth of the Sultanate in all spheres.

This role of the women has been made possible by the Royal keenness to ensure the rights of women guaranteeing them by law. It is by this enabling atmosphere that women have continued to be partners in creation of an inspiring condition for a bright and sustainable future at all levels and, at the time, exercised her role in the various domains and fields to achieve the goals of development.

Her Highness the Honourable Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi, Spouse of the Sultan of His Majesty the Sultan, has reaffirmed and valued on various occasions the great efforts of the Omani women in establishing and supporting their familes and for social, national and humanitarian contributions in various fields. The number of Omani women holding general education diploma amounts to 313,745, while holders of higher education diploma amounts to 53,232 and holders of bachelors’ degree and above amounts to 152,422, according to the statistics of the National Centre for Statistics and Information for 2021.

The number of Omani women (aged 15+) working in the government sector stands at 89,164 and those working in the private and family sectors at 126,737. The number of Omani women’s associations amounts to 64 associations with 8,483 members. The number of Omani women benefiting from social insurance system amounts to 86,633 representing 67% of the total beneficiaries.

Sayyidah Dr. Noor bint Bader Al Busaidi, Director of National Diabetes and Endocrine Centre and chairperson of Oman Diabetes Association said the Omani Women’s Day is a recognition of the contributions of the Omani women in various economic, health, education, administrative and sports fields where she has succeeded and made a difference in the society or represented the Sultanate on the regional arena and international competitions and has won prizes and awards. It also represents a recognition of her role in the development march. Despite the challenges she faces and her family commitments, the Omani woman has managed to overcome such challenges and obstacles and to excel regardless of the field where she is involved, she added.

Dr. A’isha bint Khalifa Al Kiyomi, Specialist in Vocational Education and Rehabilitation of the Disabled and Vice Chairperson of the Gulf Disability Society said the Omani woman has played a leading role in all fields. The celebration of the Omani Women’s Day is a realisation of the significance of women’s participation at all levels in forming the present and future of the country along with men.

Dr. Sihambint Salim Al Sinani, Sr. Consultant of Pediatric, gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition and Vice President for Professional Competency at Oman Medical Specialty Board said the Government of Oman has made available to the Omani woman all capabilities in order that she plays her role in comprehensive and sustainable development in various fields. The Omani woman has made her presence felt in the international arena and in the local, regional and international scientific, academic, economic fields, she added. Jamilah Al Bakhli, Senior Project Director at Oman Air said the government has made available the motivating environment for the Omani woman to work in the private sector and for being a partner in development through the key logistics sectors which require high-level competence and skills.

Engineer Sihambint Ahmed Al Harthy, CEO and Founder of Siham Development and Investment Company said that celebrating the OWD is an opportunity to honour the Omani woman and voice thanks and appreciation from late Sultan Qaboos bin Said for the efforts extended by the Omani women in the renaissance march.

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