
星期六2016年/ 2月/ 27日下午日月星辰

Kbob体育打彩票ALABAT(巴基斯坦):一位联合国高级官员已敦促巴基斯坦解决超过250万阿富汗难民的身份生活在巴基斯坦的注册卡已经过期或仍未注册。而欧洲已经克服了大批人从叙利亚,伊拉克和阿富汗,巴基斯坦长期举办世界上最大的难民人口,据联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHCR),其中大多数阿富汗人逃离了超过三十年的战争。去年12月,登记卡提供临时合法停留超过150万阿富汗难民过期,并由政府授予期限延长6个月。bob体育打彩票但阿富汗人被警方表示,他们正在争吵着过期卡,和大约一百万阿富汗人的成员仍未注册与当局也面临困难,救援人员说。bob体育打彩票现在的问题是在巴基斯坦的内阁。联合国难民署高级专员助理乔治Okoth-Obbo说他的机构是从事“继续讨论”与巴基斯坦政府解决人口的不确定的情况。“我们等待的利益的决定政府在这些问题上,“Okoth-Obbo告诉路透社周五访问开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省省,期间大量的阿富汗人口的家园。许多阿富汗人生活在巴基斯坦已经在这个国家生活了几十年,对这个国家的劳动力作出了重大贡献。自2009年以来,国际捐助者投入了超过3000bob体育打彩票万美元来改善基础服务的开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省社区举办了几十年来他们的邻居。“人们举办(阿富汗难民)超过35年,”伊姆兰·巴基斯坦首席专员阿富汗难民告诉路透落成仪式后在该地区三所学校之一已经翻新了援助资金。 Pakistan is committed to helping refugees voluntarily get back to Afghanistan, Zeb said, but: "There is definitely some host fatigue." The government is trying to improve education and opportunities for the 70 per cent of the refugees who are under 25 so they "can do something positive" and not fall into crime or recruitment by "elements that are not desirable," he said. With security in Afghanistan deteriorating over the past year, many of the Afghans living in the Kalabat area have no interest in going home anytime soon. "We have no option... We don't have land. Where should we go?" asked Jawlai, a mother of five children who fled to Pakistan in the 1980s and, like many Afghans, uses only one name. "When the war is finished, then we'll go," she said.

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