Petrol price hike: Oman to fall from ninth cheapest fuel in world to 13th

阿曼 星期一11/1月/2016年22:21 pm
By: Times News Service
Petrol price hike: Oman to fall from ninth cheapest fuel in world to 13th

引用英语。阿bob体育打彩票曼新闻社(ONA)的石油和天然气部裁员Salim Bin Nasser Al Oufi报告说,超级无铅汽油的价格将从120 Baisas上升到每升160 baisas;对于常规的情况,它将从114个Baisas上升到每升140个Baisas,对于柴油,将从146 baisas升至每升160 baisas。
In real terms this means that for a tank of super unleaded, the owner of a smaller sedan car with a 1.4 to 1.6 litre engine could on average expect to see his fuel bill rise from OMR4.8 to OMR6.4, say automobile engineers. For a mid-sized vehicle with a two-litre engine the fuel bill will rise from OMR7.2 for a full tank to around OMR9.6.
**媒体[303811] **
尽管价格上涨,阿曼的燃料仍将比阿联酋的边界更便宜,目前相当于每升177 baisas,仍然小于印度泵支付的价格的一半,少于三分之一的价格bob体育打彩票在英国的前院支付。
Data on shows that the Sultanate’s new petrol price pushes it out of the top 10 cheapest countries in the world to the number 13, nestled between Nigeria and Malaysia.
在海湾合作委员会(GCC)国家中,阿曼在科威特之后以石油价格高于每升70 baisas(基于昨天的汇率),在科威特处于第五位,沙特阿拉伯第二次88 Baiisas,巴林以96 Baisas的第三名bob体育打彩票升和卡塔尔以每升100 baisas的油价处于第四位。最早可用的全球记录表明,至bob体育打彩票少从1998年开始,阿曼汽油价格一直保持不变,尽管柴油的价格确实从2005年5月从102 baisas上升到146 baisas。
工程。萨bob体育打彩票利姆·本·纳赛尔·奥菲(Salim bin Nasser Al Oufi)昨天在声明中说:“一个旨在确定价格的委员会将在每个月底举行会议,以确定每月的价格。但是,如果全球价格接近当地价格,价格可能不会改变。”bob体育打彩票
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“An increase in the price of diesel by 14 baisas is not going to make much difference in the end price of products. There may be a slight increase, depending on factors like quantity and location of production,” Mohammed Hassan Al Ansi, a senior official-in-charge of logistics and transportation affairs at the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), told Times of Oman.
OCCI官员补充说:“但是,政府的价格控制部门应不断保留一个标签,以查找是否有人通过夸大价格玩肮脏的游戏。”bob体育打彩票Anvwar bob体育打彩票Asian投资集团董事长Anvwar Al Balushi表示,柴油价格上涨将对苏丹国经济产生影响。
“The product price will go up and push the inflation,” Anvwar said while adding that individuals who are using petrol vehicles should use it wisely to cope with the situation.
Meanwhile, N Gurumurthy, a Muscat-based financial expert, said that there will be a nominal price rise in products and the price increase may result in additional expenditure of about OMR10 to OMR20 per month.
“对于使用中型车辆bob体育打彩票的普通办公室使用者,价格上涨可能导致大约OMR10到OMR20每月的额外支出,这不是很高。我想,尽管增长百分比似乎更高,但价格上涨的影响将是大多数人的名义,除了社会的较低部分。bob体育打彩票一些用户可能会转移到低级汽油。” Gurumurthy说。
“But considering the lack of alternative modes of transport and the marginal impact of price rise, I do not foresee significant fall in auto sales. I would assume that it is a moment when everyone should join hands to help the country to tide over the challenge,” the expert added. A senior manager from Toyota said that rise in fuel prices will have its effect in any economy and Oman will also witness the same.
“ 33%的增长肯定会对汽车销售产生影响。bob体育打彩票Then on, slowly it should settle down....But sure fuel efficiency will play a major role with all the auto brands now on and hybrid cars will have entry and will slowly make its way into people’s mind,” Jaison Mathai, senior marketing manager at Toyota in Muscat, said. “Sales of large engine vehicles may decline,” he added.
卢卢(Lulu)的bob体育打彩票一位官员说,即使他们不会承担客户的负担,但如果供应商提高了价格,他们可能会被迫这样做。阿曼露露超级市场营销和促销的利森·弗朗西斯(Raison Francis)说:“如果供应商提高价格,我们可以预计未来几天的价格会略有上涨。”

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